Order of Operations Lesson UBD

Essential question: How does my unit plan integrate best practices and theory of differentiated instruction?

I start with a video with a character that is entertaining. Math Antics has several math concept videos that are entertaining and to the point. I like the way concepts are stated several times. I use the video with great instruction. I start teaching after the video with the first problem of their assignment.  This helps the students to focus on their short assignment, which will allow time to experience different types of ordered operations. As students become confident I will move to individual monitoring and continue to answer questions.   At the end of the assignment the students will use “Rags to Riches”, an internet game with order of operation problems,  to receive immediate feed back on their work (this program allows me to create more games with problems that the students need to practice). On other days I will have a puzzle and enrichment (binary numbers) that will give the students an opportunity to think differently. So, I tried to offer a variety of example to the students learning opportunity.  This has the lesson broken up into two pieces that helps break up the learning.  Students will be able to practice in written form and in game form.  This gives the students a break in between two types of practicing their concepts with different intrinsic motivations of learning.  First, they practice on paper and then they try to win a game.

The daily assignments have the answers that complete a pun joke. So daily, the students are assessed on their assignments. They have to check their answers when they are finished. When the students play the game “Rag to Riches” the students are again being assessed. When they win $1,000,000. I know they made it through the ten problems successfully. Even though I have an assessment set up on the end, I have a record of assessments along the way.  This immediate feedback helps the students to make corrections in the errors they might be making. (Carley and McMillan)


Cauley,K., McMillan, J. (2010).  Formative assessment tecniques to support student motivation and achievement.  Retrieved from : httpp://www.greatschoolspartnershp.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/FormativeAssessmentTechniques+Motivation.pdf March 2016

Math Antics. (2012) Order of Operations. Retrieved from: https://youtu.be/dAgfnK528RA March 25, 2016.

Quia. https://www.quiz.com/rr/116044.html

Order of Operations

Stage 1 Desired Results


6.EE Apply and extend previous understandings of arithmetic to algebraic expressions.

c. Evaluate expressions and formulas. Include formulas used in real-world problems. Perform arithmetic operations, including those involving whole number exponents, in the conventional order with or without parentheses. (Order of Operations)


Students will be able to independently use their learning to…                                           

·       Use order of operations to calculate numbers in the correct order.

·       Use order to calculate cost when different factors are involved. For example: fees, taxes when purchasing items.

·       Calculate the area of odd shapes by calculating areas of sections they identify and add them up.

·       Calculate formulas in the correct order.


Students will understand that…

1.     Grouping symbols need to be done first.

2.     Exponents are a specialized multiplication that must be done before combining with others.

3.     Multiplication and Division are next and are equivalent. This must be done in order of left to right.

4.     Addition and subtraction are equivalent and the last ones completed in order of left to right.




·       How does the order of operation affect your answer?

·       What would happen if there wasn’t order to solving problems?

Students will know…                           

·       How to solve mathematical problem with more than one computation.

·       How to find the surface area of a pyramid, prism or cube.




Students will be skilled at…                                      

·       Finding the cost of joining a club with fee, purchase and taxes.

·       Finding the surface area of objects with quadrilaterals.


Stage 2 – Evidence
Evaluative Criteria Assessment Evidence
Day 1

1.     PreTest

2.     Introduce vocabulary: Order of Operations, (page 8)

3.     Watch a video: Math Antics – Order of Operations https://youtu.be/dAgfnK528RA This covers all four operations with an emphasizes on Left to Right for both multiplication/division and Addition/subtraction rules.

4.     Practice simple expressions of Order of operation that only contain addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

5.     The next introduction is Grouping symbols.

6.     Practice simple expressions that contain the previous and grouping symbols.

7.     Next we will add is fractions that have expressions in the numerator and/or denominator.

8.     The finality of this section is to apply to word problems that pertain these limitation on order of operations.

9.     The student will work on the assignment.

10.  Student will go to https://www.quia.com/rr/116044.html and play “Rags to Riches”. This is an order of operations game that practices simple order of operations.

Day 2

1.     Our assignments will gradually add more difficult problems. Allowing those students whom are absent or need an extra practice time to master the concept. Exponents and Order of Operations Video https://youtu.be/pNBZPGZNZvA This video purpose is that Fraction are under the grouping symbols. This means the Numerator and denominator have to be done first. Also, the video shows examples of writing in the mathematical language.

2.     The first practice will be with double grouping symbols.   The word problem shows the student where we use order of operations in the real world. The problem presents two areas of grass and we need to calculate out the walkways, so therefore, we subtract calculate out the grassy areas and subtract them from the main area.

3.     The next level of practice is a puzzle where you have the answer and you choose the numbers and parenthesize to get there. You have eight empty boxes to fill in.

Day 3

1.     Todays’ emphasize is on fractions as grouping symbols. Students will practice doing the numerator and denominator before dividing. (Just like yesterday). They will also practice double grouping symbols(p3 pizzaz).

2.     The next level of practice is an enrichment with Binary Operations. (Here is a new binary operation. # means “multiply the numbers, then add the second number to the product”. Example 5 # 4 = 5×4+4 =24

Day 4

1.     Substitutions is the next step in Order of operations. The video emphasizes Good Math Hygiene https://youtu.be/HBVI9oVNyd8 This will help the students that are careless clean up some of their writing habits. The video also uses substitution to show parenthesis are used in substitution.

2.     Our last practice will be Substitution.

Day 5

1)     We will watch a video on Exponents. https://youtu.be/ZJDb7E6aCrA

2)     Exponents will be added the order of operations. (179 1-24)

Day 6

1.     We will build on our skills and practice the exponents. 14

2.     Exponent practice with word problems. (179 25-49)

Day 7

1.     Assessment day. Our chance to excel! Students will show what they know and what they don’t know. This is how they let me know what they still need to practice or details that I need to help fix.


1.     I will grade their pretest and watch for common errors that occurred and help the students make the corrections.

2.     Students will practice the order of operations on page 11 problems #5-27. I will be checking their work as they are progressing through their work.   Students that are absent or fall behind will continue where they left off. The assignments get hard fast if they don’t follow the steps. The puzzles, enrichment and Rags to Riches allows students time to finish their assignment in class.

3.     Students will grade their own papers and make any correction they need to make in their computations. The grade sheet has the work shown for each problem.

4.     Students will play “Rag to Riches”on the computer.   https://www.quiz.com/rr/116044.html This has immediate feedback for the students for each problem. It is played like the game “Who wants to be a millionaire.” Students will be given an order of operation problem and they have a choice of four answers. They try to win up to 1,000,000.

5.     I will monitor their work each day and help students that are still struggling. When there isn’t immediate feedback, I will monitor their assignments and help those who appear to be struggling.

6.     The Pizzaz assignments have the answers on the assignment and are used to create a pun joke. The students will grade the problem as they solve it. This will be their immediate feedback and self-evaluations. They will know if they made an error and ask a peer or teacher for help if they can’t find their error.

7.     The final assessment will be a Pizzaz worksheet that has the answers on the paper for feedback. I won’t give instruction, but they know how to be sure they are showing their work and checking their answer.


8.     The final assessment will have immediate feedback. A pizzaz assignment will be used. Students will show their work on a separate paper, but the answers would still have a match, so the student will have to opportunity to catch error while working.

<type here> OTHER EVIDENCE:

After students grade their papers and turn them in I will grade them for accuracy and observe the errors they are making so corrections can be made in the next lesson. All lesson will be graded by me. So I can monitor how each individual is doing.

Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Summary of Key Learning Events and Instruction

1)     Pretest

2)     Simple order of operations. (p11 1-21)

1.     Grouping symbols,

2.     Exponents

3.     Multiply/Divide, left to right,

4.     Addition/subtraction, left to right.

b.     Order of operations on “Rags to Riches” will be used to end the first two days.

3)     Simple order of operations practice with word problems (p11 22-44)

a.     A puzzle where the answer is given and with specific numbers and parenthesis you have to figure out how to get to the answer.

b.     Order of operations on “Rags to Riches” will be used to end the first two days.

4)     Two sets of grouping symbols within a problem and fractions that fall under grouping symbols. (Pizzaz 3)

a.     Enrichment with Binary Operations.(14)

5)     Substitution and Order of Operations. (1)

6)     Exponents will be added the order of operations. (book 179 1-24)

7)     Exponent practice with word problems. (book 179 25-49)

8)     Final Assessment (Post Test) on Order of Operations. A Pizzazz worksheet will be used so the answers would still be on the assessment, like their assignment, and they can check their work as they go. This will give them a chance to fix their errors.

(Pizzaz 3)



One thought on “Order of Operations Lesson UBD

  1. Sally,

    I think Lee was telling us on our Twitter session last night that what you wrote here would be a perfect example of the concept of transfer, because it has real world applications:

    “Use order to calculate cost when different factors are involved. For example: fees, taxes when purchasing items.”

    When I was learning to use this the word transfer in my previous training for special education, it included the idea of transfer of learning from one subject to another. Naturally, we thought about transferring their skills to the job as we started students into a special education transition program at a high school I worked at. So ultimately, transfer is for the real world. Here’s another awesome example you provided in your plan:

    “Students will be skilled at…

    · Finding the cost of joining a club with fee, purchase and taxes.”

    Also, your day by day planning in Stage 2 looks perfect! I need to improve mine. Thank you for sharing! Your examples help me see the whole picture better.


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